- Changing shapes no longer breaks menu functions
- Moved all Change...() functions related to Player in SpinningCube.cs
to ToggleMenus.cs script
-- Add saving needed data
--Color, shape (Speed between shapes, etc..)
-Created two new functions to replace 10+ small functions with switch
-ChangeShape(string shape) & ChangeColor(string color)
- Reduced huge amount of fluff logic, loops, conditionals
- Fixed infinite loop within 4+ calls to SendNotification()
-- Replaced with new function MakePopup(string contents)
-- Spawns a prefab, can call as much as you want (overlapping issue)
-Add combining of colliding Popups with similar contents (exp)
-- Add a tag passed into MakePopup() as argument used to combine similar
values ( and increase time left to Destroy(), raise speed of transform
to move away from other popups)
- Popups rotate within a range of -4 to 4 for trendy not-perfect look