Shaun Reed ca11b7b58c [cpp] Update weighted graph
+ totalWeight is now tracked for BFS & DFS traversals
+ Refactor graph search info structs
2022-04-14 14:20:59 -04:00
2022-04-14 14:20:59 -04:00
2022-04-02 11:40:58 -04:00
2022-01-07 11:32:52 -05:00


├── algorithms    # Examples of various algorithms written in C++
├── cmake         # Example of using cmake to build and organize larger projects
├── cryptography  # Examples of encrypting / decrypting using ciphers in C++
├── datastructs   # Collection of useful datastructures written in C++
├── graphics      # Examples of graphics projects written in C++
├── patterns      # Examples of various design patterns written in C++

This directory contains a CMakeLists.txt, which can be selected to open as a project within your preferred IDE. From there, all nested examples can be built, debugged, and ran.

Some of the more recent projects in this repository requires the latest CMake LTS. To install cmake LTS with apt we can follow official instructions from kitware Alternatively, we can install the LTS with python's pip.

sudo apt install python3.9 python3-pip
sudo apt purge cmake
python3.9 -m pip install -U pip
python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade cmake
# The command below is optional if you have added the python binary path to your PATH environment variable
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/cmake/data/bin/cmake /usr/bin/
cmake --version

cmake version 3.22.1

Once cmake is installed, dependencies for all examples can be installed with the command below.

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev freeglut3-dev 

If we build from this directory, we build all C++ projects and examples

cd /path/to/klips/cpp/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && cmake --build .

We can see the binaries output in the build/bin/ folder

~/Code/klips/cpp/build$ ls bin/
abstract-factory-test        graph-test-templated  SingleListDriver
adapter-test                 graph-test-weighted   singleton-test
bridge-test                  HeapDriver            StackDriver
bubble-sort                  heap-sort             state-test
bucket-sort                  insertion-sort        TemplatedDoubleListDriver
CircleDoubleDriver           merge-sort            TemplatedQueueDriver
CircleSingleDriver           observer-test         TemplatedStackDriver
columnar-transposition-test  opengl-test           TemplatedVectorDriver
counting-sort                prototype-test        test-bst
DoubleListDriver             QueueDriver           test-bst-algo
execute-hello                quick-sort            test-redblack
factory-test                 radix-sort            VectorDriver
graph-test-object            sdl-test              visitor-test
graph-test-simple            select-sort

We can also build from subdirectories. To only build projects related to design patterns we build from the patterns/ subdirectory, for example

cd /path/to/klips/cpp/patterns
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && cmake --build .

And we can again see the binaries output in the build/bin/ folder

~/Code/klips/cpp/patterns/build$ ls bin/
abstract-factory-test  bridge-test   observer-test   singleton-test  visitor-test
adapter-test           factory-test  prototype-test  state-test

If cmake is not being used in a project, it can be built with g++ manually using the commands outlined in */.vscode/tasks.json, or by using VSCode to open the example and running the build task. Check the header comments in the main source file for the example for instructions.