using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class SpinningCube : MonoBehaviour { public float m_Speed = 20f; public float increments = 10f; private string RotationDirection = "Up"; private Vector3 m_RotationDirection = Vector3.up; private Vector3 rotationOrigin; private Vector3 stopRotation =; private Vector3 tempRotation; private float angle2 = 0; private float angledif, angle1; private float angleSum = 0; [SerializeField] private int rotations; public void ToggleRotationDirection() { if (m_RotationDirection == Vector3.up) { m_RotationDirection = Vector3.down; RotationDirection = "Down"; } else { m_RotationDirection = Vector3.up; RotationDirection = "Up"; } Debug.Log("Toggled rotation direction: " + RotationDirection); } public void ToggleRotation() { Debug.Log("Stopping Rotation. Last known rotation direction: " + RotationDirection); stopRotation =; if (m_RotationDirection == stopRotation) { m_RotationDirection = tempRotation; } else { tempRotation = m_RotationDirection; m_RotationDirection = stopRotation; } } public void RaiseRotationSpeed() { m_Speed = m_Speed + increments; Debug.Log("Rotation Speed: " + m_Speed); } public void LowerRotationSpeed() { m_Speed = m_Speed - increments; Debug.Log("Rotation Speed: " + m_Speed); } public void ResetRotationSpeed() { m_Speed = 20.0f; Debug.Log("Rotation Speed Reset"); } public void ChangeColorWhite() { GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); gameObject.GetComponent().material.color = Color.white; } public void ChangeColorBlue() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color =; } public void ChangeColorBlack() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color =; } public void ChangeColorGreen() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color =; } public void ChangeColorRed() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color =; } public void ChangeColorMagenta() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color = Color.magenta; } public void ChangeColorYellow() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color = Color.yellow; } public void ChangeColorCyan() { gameObject.GetComponent().material.color = Color.cyan; } public void Start() { Vector3 rotationOrigin = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.rotation.eulerAngles; } void FixedUpdate() { //Set angle1 = eulerAngle of axis being rotated prior to applying rotation angle1 = this.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; transform.Rotate(m_RotationDirection * Time.deltaTime * m_Speed); //angle2 = eulerAngle of axis after rotation applied angle2 = this.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; //Difference between angle2 and angle1, how much the object rotated between frames angledif = angle2 - angle1; //rotations += (int)(m_Speed / 360); //if object is rotating, and angle difference is less than 0 //If object has rotated 20 degrees (m_speed = 20), when angle1 = 350, && angle2 = 10 //angle2(10)-angle1(350) = -340 //Object has rotated past 360 if ((m_Speed > 0) && (angledif < 0)) { ++rotations; GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ExpGained").GetComponent().ExpMore(); } } }