using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Holoville.HOTween; /// /// This class is the main entry point of the game it should be attached to a gameobject and be instanciate in the scene /// Author : Pondomaniac Games /// public class Main : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject _Tutorial;//Tutorial GameObject public int _scoreIncrement;//The amount of point to increment each time we score private int _scoreTotal = 0;//The score float progress = 0;//The progress bar progress public float _timerCoef ;//The progress bar speed public GameObject _Time;//The timer public GameObject _PauseButton;//The pause button we use in the scene private bool isPaused = false ;//A flag indicating if the game is paused private bool isEnded = false ;//A flag indicating if the game has ended private bool isCountingDown = true ;//A flag indicating if the game is counting down public GameObject _ReloadButton;//The reload button we use in the scene public GameObject _PlayButton;//The play button we use in the scene public GameObject _MenuButton;//The menu button we use in the scene public GameObject _PausedBackground;//The pause background float timing = 0;//The local timer public GameObject _TimeIsUp;//The object indicating if the time is up public GameObject _MessageEffectWhenShown;//A particul effect we can use when a message is shown bool _BestScoreReached = false ;//A flag indicating if the bestscore has been reached bool _BestLevelReached = false ;//A flag indicating if the bestlevel has been reached public GameObject _CurrentScore;//The current score in the scene public GameObject _BestScore;//The best score in the scene public GameObject _CurrentLevel;//The current level in the scene public GameObject _BestLevel;//The best level in the scene public GameObject _ScoreBoard;//The score board when the game has ended or when the time is up public GameObject _FaceBookButton;//The facebook button to share the score with friends public GameObject _Level;//Level reached public GameObject _LevelTextValue;//Level reached text value public GameObject _CountDown;//The CountDown object that is not used directly that we use to replicate the style when displaying countdown public GameObject _TestScore;//The testscore button used to test the score and level increment public GameObject _TestLevelEnd;//The testscore button used to test the rnd of the level public AudioClip PowerSound;//The sound heared when we level up public AudioClip MenuSound;//The sound heared when we click on a button int level = 0; float maxProgress = 0; float ScoreByLevel = 0; public AudioClip LevelUpSound; public AudioClip TimeUpSound; public AudioClip BestScoreSound; public AudioClip EndSound; public AudioClip CountDownSound; // Use this for initialization void Start () { UpdateLevel (0); progress = (float)(timing * _timerCoef); //_Timer new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y), progressBarEmpty); _Time.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (Mathf.Clamp01 (progress), _Time.transform.localScale.y, 0); StartCoroutine (Init ()); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit (); } //Detecting if the player clicked on the left mouse button and also if there is no animation playing if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { //The 3 following lines is to get the clicked GameObject and getting the RaycastHit2D that will help us know the clicked object RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.mousePosition),; if (hit.transform != null) { if ( == { GetComponent().PlayOneShot (MenuSound); hit.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1.1f, 1.1f, 0); Application.LoadLevel ("MainMenu"); } if ( == { hit.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1.5f, 1.5f, 0); onBragClicked (); } if ( == { GetComponent().PlayOneShot (MenuSound); Time.timeScale = 1; isPaused = false; HOTween.Play (); hit.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1.1f, 1.1f, 0); Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevelName); } if ( == && !isPaused && !isCountingDown && !isEnded && HOTween.GetTweenersByTarget (_PlayButton.transform, false).Count == 0 && HOTween.GetTweenersByTarget (_MenuButton.transform, false).Count == 0) { GetComponent().PlayOneShot (MenuSound); StartCoroutine (ShowMenu ()); hit.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1.1f, 1.1f, 0); } else if (( == || == && !isEnded && !isCountingDown && isPaused && HOTween.GetTweenersByTarget (_PlayButton.transform, false).Count == 0 && HOTween.GetTweenersByTarget (_MenuButton.transform, false).Count == 0) { GetComponent().PlayOneShot (MenuSound); StartCoroutine (HideMenu ()); hit.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1f, 1f, 0); } else if (( == && !isEnded && !isCountingDown && !isPaused) { GetComponent().PlayOneShot (MenuSound); _scoreTotal += _scoreIncrement; UpdateLevel (20 * _scoreIncrement); Util.ButtonPressAnimation (hit.transform.gameObject); } else if (( == && !isEnded && !isCountingDown && !isPaused) { isEnded = true; isPaused = true; StartCoroutine (ShowBoardScore ()); Util.ButtonPressAnimation (hit.transform.gameObject); //Update the Level UpdateReachedLevel (); } } } if (isPaused) return; if (! isPaused) { timing += 0.001f; progress = (float)(timing * _timerCoef); _Time.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (Mathf.Clamp01 (progress), _Time.transform.localScale.y, 0); } if (Mathf.Clamp01 (progress) >= 1) { isEnded = true; isPaused = true; TweenParms parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_TimeIsUp.transform.position.x, -0.85f, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_TimeIsUp.transform, 0.5f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); StartCoroutine (ShowBoardScore ()); } //Update the score (GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = _scoreTotal.ToString (); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighScore") < _scoreTotal && !_BestScoreReached) { _BestScoreReached = true; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighLevel") < level && !_BestLevelReached) { _BestLevelReached = true; } } //Update the Level void UpdateLevel (int score) { ScoreByLevel += score; maxProgress = (float)Mathf.Floor (250 * (level + 1)); _Level.transform.localScale = new Vector3 ((float)(ScoreByLevel / maxProgress), _Level.transform.localScale.y, 0); if (Mathf.Clamp01 (_Level.transform.localScale.x) >= 1) { //_Level.transform.localScale= new Vector3 (0, _Level.transform.localScale.y, 0) ; //Order is important for calculus level += 1; ScoreByLevel = 0; timing = 0; GetComponent().PlayOneShot (PowerSound); TweenParms parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("localScale", new Vector3 (0, _Level.transform.localScale.y, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_Level.transform, 0.5f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("localScale", new Vector3 (0, _Time.transform.localScale.y, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_Time.transform, 0.5f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); (_LevelTextValue.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = level.ToString (); var destroyingParticle = GameObject.Instantiate (_LevelTextValue as GameObject, new Vector3 (_LevelTextValue.transform.position.x, _LevelTextValue.transform.position.y, _LevelTextValue.transform.position.z - 1), transform.rotation) as GameObject; Color oldColor = destroyingParticle.GetComponent().material.color; parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("color", new Color (oldColor.r, oldColor.b, oldColor.g, 0f)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To ((destroyingParticle.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh), 4f, parms); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("fontSize", 150).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To ((destroyingParticle.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh), 2f, parms); Destroy (destroyingParticle, 5); } else { (_LevelTextValue.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = level.ToString (); } } //Show the bestscore board IEnumerator ShowBoardScore () { GetComponent().Stop (); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (TimeUpSound); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (EndSound); (_BestScore.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = "" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighScore"); (_BestLevel.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = "" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighLevel"); (_CurrentScore.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = "" + _scoreTotal; (_CurrentLevel.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = "" + (_LevelTextValue.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text; SetScore (_scoreTotal); yield return new WaitForSeconds (1); TweenParms parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_ScoreBoard.transform.position.x, 5f, _ScoreBoard.transform.position.z)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_ScoreBoard.transform, 0.5f, parms); //_MenuButton.transform.position = new Vector3 (4, _MenuButton.transform.position.y, _MenuButton.transform.position.z); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_MenuButton.transform.position.x, 1.7f, -8)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_MenuButton.transform, 0.7f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_ReloadButton.transform.position.x, 1.7f, -8)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_ReloadButton.transform, 0.9f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); } //Update the pause menu IEnumerator ShowMenu () { isPaused = true; HOTween.Pause (); GetComponent().Pause (); TweenParms parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_PausedBackground.transform.position.x, 4, -5)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_PausedBackground.transform, 0.2f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_PlayButton.transform.position.x, 3.5f, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_PlayButton.transform, 0.4f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_ReloadButton.transform.position.x, 3.5f, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_ReloadButton.transform, 0.5f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_MenuButton.transform.position.x, 3.5f, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); yield return StartCoroutine (HOTween.To (_MenuButton.transform, 0.6f, parms).WaitForCompletion ()); Time.timeScale = 0; } //Hide the pause menu IEnumerator HideMenu () { Time.timeScale = 1; isPaused = false; HOTween.Play (); TweenParms parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_PausedBackground.transform.position.x, 16, -5)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_PausedBackground.transform, 0.6f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_PlayButton.transform.position.x, 16, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_PlayButton.transform, 0.4f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); GetComponent().Play (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_ReloadButton.transform.position.x, 16, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_ReloadButton.transform, 0.5f, parms).WaitForCompletion (); parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("position", new Vector3 (_MenuButton.transform.position.x, 16, -6)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); yield return StartCoroutine (HOTween.To (_MenuButton.transform, 0.2f, parms).WaitForCompletion ()); } //Where facebook button is clicked private void onBragClicked () { if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) { // Initialize FB SDK enabled = false; FB.Init (SetInit, OnHideUnity); FB.Login ("email,publish_actions", LoginCallback); } FbDebug.Log ("onBragClicked"); FB.Feed ( linkCaption: "I just scored " + _scoreTotal + " ! Can you beat it?", picture: "", linkName: "Checkout my MatchMania greatness! Can you beat me?", link: "" + FB.AppId + "/?challenge_brag=" + (FB.IsLoggedIn ? FB.UserId : "guest") ); } void LoginCallback (FBResult result) { FbDebug.Log ("LoginCallback"); if (FB.IsLoggedIn) { OnLoggedIn (); } } void OnLoggedIn () { FbDebug.Log ("Logged in. ID: " + FB.UserId); // Request player info and profile picture onBragClicked (); } private void SetInit () { FbDebug.Log ("SetInit"); enabled = true; // "enabled" is a property inherited from MonoBehaviour if (FB.IsLoggedIn) { FbDebug.Log ("Already logged in"); OnLoggedIn (); } } private void OnHideUnity (bool isGameShown) { FbDebug.Log ("OnHideUnity"); if (!isGameShown) { // pause the game - we will need to hide Time.timeScale = 0; } else { // start the game back up - we're getting focus again Time.timeScale = 1; } } //Setting the score in the player preferences void SetScore (int _scoreTotal) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("LastScore", _scoreTotal); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighScore") < _scoreTotal) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("HighScore", _scoreTotal); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (BestScoreSound); } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighLevel") < _scoreTotal) { //PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("OldHighLevel",PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("HighLevel")); PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("HighLevel", int.Parse ((_LevelTextValue.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text)); } } //Show a message in the screen IEnumerator Init () { isPaused = true; Vector3 center = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector3 (Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, Camera.main.nearClipPlane)); //PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Tutorial", 0); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("Tutorial") != 1) { var isOkay = false; while (isOkay==false) { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { isOkay = true; TweenParms parms = new TweenParms ().Prop ("localPosition", new Vector3 (100, 0, -10)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To (_Tutorial.transform, 3f, parms); PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Tutorial", 1); } yield return 0; } } else { _Tutorial.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (100, 0, -10); } //Count down from 3,2,1 Go! AnimateBigSmall (_CountDown, new Vector3 (center.x, center.y, -5), "3"); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (CountDownSound); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f); AnimateBigSmall (_CountDown, new Vector3 (center.x, center.y, -5), "2"); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (CountDownSound); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f); AnimateBigSmall (_CountDown, new Vector3 (center.x, center.y, -5), "1"); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (CountDownSound); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f); AnimateBigSmall (_CountDown, new Vector3 (center.x, center.y, -5), "Go!"); GetComponent().PlayOneShot (CountDownSound); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f); isPaused = false; isCountingDown = false; } //Gameobject animation from big to small when showing a message void AnimateBigSmall (GameObject go, Vector3 position, string s) { var destroyingParticle = GameObject.Instantiate (go as GameObject, position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; (destroyingParticle.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh).text = s; Color oldColor2 = destroyingParticle.GetComponent().material.color; TweenParms parms2 = new TweenParms ().Prop ("color", new Color (oldColor2.r, oldColor2.b, oldColor2.g, 0f)).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To ((destroyingParticle.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh), 4f, parms2); parms2 = new TweenParms ().Prop ("fontSize", 200).Ease (EaseType.EaseOutQuart); HOTween.To ((destroyingParticle.GetComponent (typeof(TextMesh))as TextMesh), 3f, parms2); Destroy (destroyingParticle, 4); } //Update the reached level in the player preferences void UpdateReachedLevel () { int LoadedSceneIndexInSettings = -1; int ReachedLevelIndexIndexInSettings = -1; for (int i=0; i<=ButtonRedirect.scenes.Length-1; i++) { if (Application.loadedLevelName == ButtonRedirect.scenes [i]) LoadedSceneIndexInSettings = i; if (PlayerPrefs.GetString ("ReachedLevel") == ButtonRedirect.scenes [i]) ReachedLevelIndexIndexInSettings = i; } if (LoadedSceneIndexInSettings >= ReachedLevelIndexIndexInSettings && (ButtonRedirect.scenes.Length - 1 >= LoadedSceneIndexInSettings + 1)) { PlayerPrefs.SetString ("ReachedLevel", ButtonRedirect.scenes [LoadedSceneIndexInSettings + 1]); Debug.Log (ButtonRedirect.scenes [LoadedSceneIndexInSettings + 1]); } } }