164 lines
4.4 KiB

#ifndef DISPLAY_H
#define DISPLAY_H
#include <esp_timer.h>
#include <widgets/label/lv_label.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include "panel.h"
#define LVGL_TASK_STACK_SIZE (4 * 1024)
class Display {
struct ScopedLock {
explicit ScopedLock() { _lock_acquire(&lv_lock_); }
~ScopedLock() { _lock_release(&lv_lock_); }
// LVGL library is not thread-safe, this example calls LVGL APIs from tasks.
// We must use a mutex to protect it.
static _lock_t lv_lock_;
struct Timer {
explicit Timer(esp_timer_create_args_t args) : args_(args)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Creating esp_timer with name: %s", args.name);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_create(&args, &esp_timer_));
[[maybe_unused]] esp_timer_create_args_t args_{};
esp_timer_handle_t esp_timer_ = nullptr;
struct TimeKeeper {
using TimerHandle = Timer *;
// Timers should only be accessed using this method.
// For this reason managed_timers_ is private.
TimerHandle get_handle(const char *name)
return &managed_timers_.at(name);
TimerHandle operator[](const char *name) { return get_handle(name); }
TimerHandle create_timer(esp_timer_create_args_t args)
auto rt = managed_timers_.emplace(args.name, args);
if (!rt.second) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to insert timer into Display::managed_timers_");
return nullptr;
return &rt.first->second;
[[maybe_unused]] void stop_timer(const char *name)
[[maybe_unused]] void delete_timer(const char *name)
[[maybe_unused]] void
start_new_timer_periodic(esp_timer_create_args_t args,
uint64_t period)
start_timer_periodic(create_timer(args)->args_.name, period);
[[maybe_unused]] void start_timer_periodic(const char *name,
uint64_t period)
esp_timer_start_periodic(get_handle(name)->esp_timer_, period));
[[maybe_unused]] void
start_new_timer_once(esp_timer_create_args_t args,
uint64_t timeout_us)
start_timer_once(create_timer(args)->args_.name, timeout_us);
[[maybe_unused]] void start_timer_once(const char *name,
uint64_t timeout_us)
esp_timer_start_once(get_handle(name)->esp_timer_, timeout_us));
// Timers should only be accessed using the get_handle method.
// ~Timer() will delete the timer if called.
std::unordered_map<const char *, Timer> managed_timers_;
explicit Display(IPanelDevice &device);
~Display() = default;
[[nodiscard]] inline const lv_display_t *get() const { return lv_display_; }
[[nodiscard]] inline lv_display_t *get() { return lv_display_; }
[[nodiscard]] inline const lv_display_t *operator*() const { return get(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline lv_display_t *operator*() { return get(); }
void set_text(const char *text,
const char *name,
lv_label_long_mode_t long_mode = LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL_CIRCULAR,
lv_align_t align = LV_ALIGN_TOP_MID);
static bool lvgl_flush_ready(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t panel,
esp_lcd_panel_io_event_data_t *data,
void *user_ctx);
static void lvgl_flush_cb(lv_display_t *display,
const lv_area_t *area,
uint8_t *px_map);
static void lvgl_increase_tick(void *arg);
[[noreturn]] static void lvgl_port_task(void *arg);
// Public static TimeKeeper for managing ESP timers across all displays.
static TimeKeeper timers_;
void register_draw_buffer();
static void register_lvgl_tick_timer();
Panel panel_;
lv_display_t *lv_display_;
// Draw buffer associated with the lv_display_t.
void *lv_buf_;
// Objects stored in the screen associated with this display.
// @sa Display::set_text
// @sa lv_display_get_screen_active
std::unordered_map<const char *, lv_obj_t *> lv_objects_;
#endif // DISPLAY_H