Packages Installed / Updated: - vim, git, clang Vimrc Settings: - tabwidth is 2, and set to insert SPACE characters instead of TAB symbols with expandtab - shiftwidth is 2 so we can compensate for the conflict with default tab settings - autoindent is on, when moving to a newline vim will indent to the current depth - syntax highlighting is on - mouse interaction is enabled when supported by connecting systems -- Plugin Settings: - Pathogen vim plugin manager has been installed and .vimrc configured for its use. -- Install new vim plugins by cloning their repositories into ~/.vim/bundle/ -- - Clang_complete vim plugin has been installed and .vimrc configured for its use. - Code-completion is enabled with default clang_complete settings -- - Supertab vim plugin has been installed and .vimrc configured for its use. - Allows the use of TAB to enable code-completion context menu --