NGINX ========= A role to install nginx and start a default webserver on a remote host. Requirements ------------ None Role Variables -------------- `packages: [nginx]` * A list of packages to install. Feel free to add more here if needed, separated by commas - `package: [nginx, apache2]` `domain_name: "localhost"` * The domain name to use within `nginx.conf` configurations. If you do not own a domain name, use localhost or your public IP here. `nginx_root_dir: "/var/www/html/"` * Used in `nginx.conf to define the root directory of content to be served on the nginx webserver. `index_files: "index.html index.htm"` * Used in `nginx.conf` to define index files Dependencies ------------ A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles. Example Playbook ---------------- First, make sure all settings within `defaults/main.yml` are correct for your server. All settings and their purposes are outline in the section above. Create a new ansible play. You can name it whatever you want, but this example play will simply be named `nginx.yml`. ```yml --- - hosts: testserver become: yes roles: - nginx ``` Make sure the IP for `testserver` is correct in the `/etc/ansible/hosts` file - ``` [testserver] ``` Run the play! ```bash ansible-playbook nginx.yml ``` License ------- BSD Author Information ------------------ Contact: | URL: | GitHub: shaunrd0 TODO: Add optional task for configuring SSL