# Fail2Ban filter for unsuccessful solid-pop3 authentication attempts # # Doesn't currently provide PAM support as PAM log messages don't include rhost as # remote IP. # [INCLUDES] before = common.conf [Definition] _daemon = solid-pop3d failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sauthentication failed: (no such user|can't map user name): .*? - $ ^%(__prefix_line)s(APOP )?authentication failed for (mapped )?user .*? - $ ^%(__prefix_line)sroot login not allowed - $ ^%(__prefix_line)scan't find APOP secret for user .*? - $ ignoreregex = # DEV Notes: # # solid-pop3d needs to be compiled with --enable-logextend to support # IP addresses in log messages. # # solid-pop3d-0.15/src/main.c contains all authentication errors # except for PAM authentication messages ( src/authenticate.c ) # # A pam authentication failure message (note no IP for rhost). # Nov 17 23:17:50 emf1pt2-2-35-70 solid-pop3d[17176]: pam_unix(solid-pop3d:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= user=jacques # # Authors: Daniel Black