############################################################################### ## Author: Shaun Reed ## ## Legal: All Content (c) 2019 Shaun Reed, all rights reserved ## ## ## ## Contact: shaunrd0@gmail.com | URL: www.shaunreed.com | GitHub: shaunrd0 ## ############################################################################## # Root CMakeLists.txt of cpp practice 4-inheritance # Define CMake version cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) project( # Define project inheritance # Project name DESCRIPTION "Example project for class inheritance" LANGUAGES CXX ) # Pass this to program to control debug output option (DB_CONF "Should we debug and configure files with cmake values?" ON) option (DB_BUILD "Should we run the build in debug mode?" OFF) option (EXE_BUILD "Should we build the executable?" ON) add_library( # Add Library lib-sdl-test # Library Name "src/lib-sdl-test.cpp" # Sources.. "src/lib-sdl-test.h" ) target_include_directories( # When calling library, include a directory lib-sdl-test # Library name PUBLIC # "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" # Source directory of exe including our library ) if (EXE_BUILD) set(BUILD_STATUS "Building default executable") include(FindPkgConfig) pkg_search_module(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2) include_directories(${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable( # Creating executable sdl-test # Exe name "apps/sdl-test.cpp" # Exe Source(s) ) target_link_libraries( # Linking the exe to library sdl-test # Executable to link PRIVATE # lib-sdl-test # Library to link ${SDL2_LIBRARIES} ) elseif(DB_BUILD) set(BUILD_STATUS "Building in debug mode") # Create compile_commands.json for linter set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) target_compile_definitions(inherited PRIVATE BUILD_STATUS=${BUILD_STATUS}) elseif(DB_CONF) set(BUILD_STATUS "Building in debug mode, configuring files") # Configure header file with CMake variables defined in src/lib-inherit.h.in # @ONLY is specified, only variables of the form @VAR@ will be replaced and ${VAR} will be ignored. # configure_file(src/lib-inherit.h src/lib-inherit.h @ONLY) configure_file(apps/sdl-test.cpp apps/sdl-test.cpp @ONLY) # Create compile_commands.json for linter set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) endif() #target_compile_definitions(inherited PRIVATE BUILD_STATUS=${BUILD_STATUS})