/*############################################################################## ## Author: Shaun Reed ## ## Legal: All Content (c) 2021 Shaun Reed, all rights reserved ## ## About: An example of a binary search tree implementation ## ## ## ## Contact: shaunrd0@gmail.com | URL: www.shaunreed.com | GitHub: shaunrd0 ## ################################################################################ ## bst.cpp */ #include "bst.h" /******************************************************************************** * Constructors, Destructors, Operators *********************************************************************************/ /** Copy Assignment Operator * @brief Empty the calling object's root BinaryNode, and copy the rhs data * * @param rhs The BST to copy, beginning from its root BinaryNode * @return const BinarySearchTree& The copied BinarySearchTree object */ BinarySearchTree& BinarySearchTree::operator=(BinarySearchTree rhs) { // If the objects are already equal, do nothing if (this == &rhs) return *this; // Empty this->root makeEmpty(); std::swap(root, rhs.root); return *this; } /******************************************************************************** * Public Member Functions *********************************************************************************/ /** findMin * @brief Find and return the minimum value of the calling BST object * Calls to the private member findMin(BinaryNode* t) * * @return const int& The element of the BinaryNode that holds the lowest value in our tree */ int BinarySearchTree::findMin() const { return findMin(root) != nullptr ? findMin(root)->element: INT32_MIN; } /** findMax * @brief Find and return the maximum value of the calling BST object * Calls to the private member findMax(BinaryNode* t) * * @return const int& The element of the BinaryNode that holds the highest value in our tree */ int BinarySearchTree::findMax() const { return findMax(root) != nullptr ? findMax(root)->element: INT32_MIN; } /** contains * @brief Determine whether or not a value exists within the calling BST object * Calls to the private member contains(const int &x, BinaryNode* t) * * @param x The value to search for within our tree * @return true If the value is found within any BinaryNode->element * @return false If the value is not found within any BinaryNode->element */ bool BinarySearchTree::contains(const int &x) const { return contains(x, root); } /** isEmpty * @brief Determine whether or not the calling BST object is empty * * @return true If this->root node points to an empty tree (nullptr) * @return false If this->root node points to a constructed BinaryNode */ bool BinarySearchTree::isEmpty() const { return root == nullptr; } /** insert * @brief Inserts a new value into the calling BST object * Calls to the private member insert(const int &x, BinaryNode* t) * * @param x The new value to insert into our BinarySearchTree */ void BinarySearchTree::insert(const int & x) { insert(x, root); } /** remove * @brief Remove a value from the calling BST object * Calls to the private member remove(const int &x, BinaryNode* t) * * @param x The value to remove from our BST */ void BinarySearchTree::remove(const int &x) { remove(x, root); } /** makeEmpty * @brief Delete the root BinaryNode and all of its children from the calling BST object * Calls to the private member makeEmpty(BinaryNode* t) */ void BinarySearchTree::makeEmpty() { makeEmpty(root); } /** printInOrder * @brief Output the element of each BinaryNode between their left and right subtrees * Calls to the private member printInOrder(BinaryNode* t) */ void BinarySearchTree::printInOrder() const { printInOrder(root); std::cout << std::endl; } /** printPostOrder * @brief Output the element of each BinaryNode after their left and right subtrees * Calls to the private member printPostOrder(BinaryNode* t) */ void BinarySearchTree::printPostOrder() const { printPostOrder(root); std::cout << std::endl; } /** printPreOrder * @brief Output the element of each BinaryNode before their left and right subtrees * Calls to the private member printPreOrder(BinaryNode* t) */ void BinarySearchTree::printPreOrder() const { printPreOrder(root); std::cout << std::endl; } /******************************************************************************** * Private Member Functions *********************************************************************************/ /** clone * @brief Clone a BST node and all its children * * @param t The node to begin cloning from * @return BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode* The root node of the copied tree */ BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode * BinarySearchTree::clone(BinaryNode *t) const { // If there is nothing to copy if (t == nullptr) return nullptr; // Construct all child nodes through recursion, return root node return new BinaryNode(t->element, clone(t->left), clone(t->right)); } /** insert * @brief Insert a value into the BST of the given BinaryNode * * @param x The value to be inserted * @param t The BinaryNode to begin insertion */ void BinarySearchTree::insert(const int &x, BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode *&t) const { if (t == nullptr) t = new BinaryNode(x, nullptr, nullptr); else if (x < t->element) insert (x, t->left); else if (x > t->element) insert (x, t->right); else return; } /** remove * @brief Removes a value from the BST of the given BinaryNode * * @param x The value to be removed * @param t The BinaryNode to begin search and removal from */ void BinarySearchTree::remove(const int &x, BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode *&t) const { if (t == nullptr) return; if (x < t->element) remove(x, t->left); else if (x > t->element) remove(x, t->right); else if (t->left != nullptr && t->right != nullptr) { // If we found the node and there are two branches t->element = findMin(t->right)->element; std::cout << "Removing [" << t->element << "]...\n"; remove(t->element, t->right); } else { // If we found the value and there is only one branch BinaryNode *oldNode = t; t = (t->left != nullptr) ? t->left : t->right; std::cout << "Removing [" << oldNode->element << "]...\n"; delete oldNode; } } /** findMin * @brief Find the minimum value within the BST of the given BinaryNode * * @param t The root BinaryNode to begin checking values * @return BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode* The BinaryNode which contains the smallest value (returns nullptr if BST is empty) */ BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode * BinarySearchTree::findMin(BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode *t) const { // If our tree is empty if (t == nullptr) return nullptr; while (t->left != nullptr) t = t->left; return t; } /** findMax * @brief Find the maximum value within the BST of the given BinaryNode * * @param t The root BinaryNode to begin checking values * @return BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode* The BinaryNode which contains the largest value (returns nullptr if BST is empty) */ BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode * BinarySearchTree::findMax(BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode *t) const { // If our tree is empty if (t == nullptr) return nullptr; // If current node has no larger children, it is max if (t->right == nullptr) return t; // Move down the right side of our tree and check again return findMax(t->right); } /** contains * @brief Determines if the value exists within the given BinaryNode and its children * * @param x The value to search for within the BST * @param t The root BinaryNode to begin the search * @return true If the value is found within the root node or any of its children * @return false If the value is not found within the root node or any of its children */ bool BinarySearchTree::contains(const int &x, BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode *t) const { // If tree is empty if (t == nullptr) return false; // If x is smaller than our current value else if (x < t->element) return contains(x, t->left); // If x is larger than our current value, check the right node else if (x > t->element) return contains(x, t->right); else return true; } /** makeEmpty * @brief Recursively delete the given root BinaryNode and all of its children * * @param t The root BinaryNode to delete, along with all child nodes */ void BinarySearchTree::makeEmpty(BinarySearchTree::BinaryNode * & t) { if (t != nullptr) { makeEmpty(t->left); makeEmpty(t->right); delete t; } t = nullptr; } /** printInOrder * @brief Output the element of the root nodes between printing their left and right subtrees * * @param t The root BinaryNode to begin the 'In Order' output */ void BinarySearchTree::printInOrder(BinaryNode *t) const { if(t != nullptr) { printInOrder(t->left); std::cout << t->element << " "; printInOrder(t->right); } } /** printPostOrder * @brief Output the value of the root nodes only after their subtrees * * @param t The root BinaryNode to begin the 'Post Order' output */ void BinarySearchTree::printPostOrder(BinaryNode *t) const { if (t != nullptr) { printPostOrder(t->left); printPostOrder(t->right); std::cout << t->element << " "; } } /** printPreOrder * @brief Output the value of the root nodes before their subtrees * * @param t The root BinaryNode to begin the 'Pre Order' output */ void BinarySearchTree::printPreOrder(BinaryNode *t) const { if (t != nullptr) { std::cout << t->element << " "; printPreOrder(t->left); printPreOrder(t->right); } }