Add blockchain directory for working on related projects

+ Add sample Solidity project template, README instructions
This commit is contained in:
Shaun Reed 2021-05-03 14:46:36 -04:00
parent 8817a594be
commit e585f18359
9 changed files with 19029 additions and 0 deletions

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A template project for getting started working on the Ethereum blockchain.
This project comes with basic packages for compiling and deploying Solidity contracts with Truffle.
Run `cp example.secrets.json secrets.json` and fill out the copied `secrets.json` with your information.
From this directory, run `npm install` to install required packages.
From there, we can create any contracts and deploy to development or public networks...
### Development Deploy
npx truffle develop
truffle(develop)> migrate
Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol
> Artifacts written to /home/kapper/Code/klips/blockchain/eth/truffle-solidity/build/contracts
> Compiled successfully using:
- solc: 0.8.0+commit.c7dfd78e.Emscripten.clang
Starting migrations...
> Network name: 'develop'
> Network id: 5777
> Block gas limit: 6721975 (0x6691b7)
Deploying 'Migrations'
> transaction hash: 0xa82aeb7e6e3839f06321edc4b41fdb92e70f87b9a989f846fd465623deda4139
> Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
> contract address: 0xD79FAf957cC8d3d6c7f8fc10875D8aF75e4eE9F1
> block number: 1
> block timestamp: 1620058221
> account: 0xcFE4341F1DFEbdff039642e1A26032755F38ADA5
> balance: 99.995114
> gas used: 244300 (0x3ba4c)
> gas price: 20 gwei
> value sent: 0 ETH
> total cost: 0.004886 ETH
> Saving migration to chain.
> Saving artifacts
> Total cost: 0.004886 ETH
> Total deployments: 1
> Final cost: 0.004886 ETH
- Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
- Saving migration to chain.
truffle(develop)> .exit
### Public Network Deploy
To deploy, you need ETH on a wallet connected to ropsten. Metamask is the wallet I use.
I explain how to configure metamask on ropsten on [Knoats - Solidity](
Give yourself test Ethereum with the [Ropsten ETH Faucet](
To deploy to ropsten test network, and verify using `truffle-verify-plugin` -
npx truffle migrate --network ropsten
npx truffle run verify Migrations --network ropsten
For a guide on how I configured this project, see [Knoats - Solidity](
An example ERC20 token can be found at [shaunrd0/karma](

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
contract Migrations {
address public owner = msg.sender;
uint public last_completed_migration;
modifier restricted() {
msg.sender == owner,
"This function is restricted to the contract's owner"
function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted {
last_completed_migration = completed;

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"alchemyApiUrl": "",
"mnemonic": "word word word word word word word word word word word",

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const Migrations = artifacts.require("Migrations");
module.exports = function (deployer) {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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"name": "upgradeable-ERC20",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "Shaun Reed",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.1.0",
"@truffle/hdwallet-provider": "^1.3.0",
"truffle": "^5.3.4"

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* Use this file to configure your truffle project. It's seeded with some
* common settings for different networks and features like migrations,
* compilation and testing. Uncomment the ones you need or modify
* them to suit your project as necessary.
* More information about configuration can be found at:
* To deploy via Infura you'll need a wallet provider (like @truffle/hdwallet-provider)
* to sign your transactions before they're sent to a remote public node. Infura accounts
* are available for free at:
* You'll also need a mnemonic - the twelve word phrase the wallet uses to generate
* public/private key pairs. If you're publishing your code to GitHub make sure you load this
* phrase from a file you've .gitignored so it doesn't accidentally become public.
const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');
const { alchemyApiUrl, mnemonic, etherscanApiKey } = require('./secrets.json');
// const infuraKey = "fj4jll3k.....";
// const fs = require('fs');
// const mnemonic = fs.readFileSync(".secret").toString().trim();
module.exports = {
plugins: [
api_keys: {
etherscan: etherscanApiKey
* Networks define how you connect to your ethereum client and let you set the
* defaults web3 uses to send transactions. If you don't specify one truffle
* will spin up a development blockchain for you on port 9545 when you
* run `develop` or `test`. You can ask a truffle command to use a specific
* network from the command line, e.g
* $ truffle test --network <network-name>
networks: {
// Useful for testing. The `development` name is special - truffle uses it by default
// if it's defined here and no other network is specified at the command line.
// You should run a client (like ganache-cli, geth or parity) in a separate terminal
// tab if you use this network and you must also set the `host`, `port` and `network_id`
// options below to some value.
// development: {
// host: "", // Localhost (default: none)
// port: 8545, // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
// network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none)
// },
// Another network with more advanced options...
// advanced: {
// port: 8777, // Custom port
// network_id: 1342, // Custom network
// gas: 8500000, // Gas sent with each transaction (default: ~6700000)
// gasPrice: 20000000000, // 20 gwei (in wei) (default: 100 gwei)
// from: <address>, // Account to send txs from (default: accounts[0])
// websocket: true // Enable EventEmitter interface for web3 (default: false)
// },
// Useful for deploying to a public network.
// NB: It's important to wrap the provider as a function.
ropsten: {
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
mnemonic: {
phrase: mnemonic
providerOrUrl: alchemyApiUrl,
chainId: 3
// provider: () => new HDWalletProvider('turtle erupt shop aisle north segment clarify soda excuse help love snake', ``),
network_id: 3, // Ropsten's id
gas: 5500000, // Ropsten has a lower block limit than mainnet
confirmations: 2, // # of confs to wait between deployments. (default: 0)
timeoutBlocks: 200, // # of blocks before a deployment times out (minimum/default: 50)
skipDryRun: true // Skip dry run before migrations? (default: false for public nets )
// Useful for private networks
// private: {
// provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, ``),
// network_id: 2111, // This network is yours, in the cloud.
// production: true // Treats this network as if it was a public net. (default: false)
// }
// Set default mocha options here, use special reporters etc.
mocha: {
// timeout: 100000
// Configure your compilers
compilers: {
solc: {
version: "0.8.0", // Fetch exact version from solc-bin (default: truffle's version)
// docker: true, // Use "0.5.1" you've installed locally with docker (default: false)
// settings: { // See the solidity docs for advice about optimization and evmVersion
// optimizer: {
// enabled: false,
// runs: 200
// },
// evmVersion: "byzantium"
// }
// Truffle DB is currently disabled by default; to enable it, change enabled: false to enabled: true
// Note: if you migrated your contracts prior to enabling this field in your Truffle project and want
// those previously migrated contracts available in the .db directory, you will need to run the following:
// $ truffle migrate --reset --compile-all
db: {
enabled: false