This commit is contained in:
Shaun Reed 2019-08-31 03:08:24 -04:00
parent 59ad80bda7
commit d6170be41d
4 changed files with 64 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -43,16 +43,20 @@ klips/
### ansible
Ansible roles, playbooks
- apt-up.yml - Playbook to update servers / groups ad hoc
- core.yml - Playbook example for using core configuration role
- docker.yml - Playbook example for using docker install role (Debian / Ubuntu)
- hosts - Sample / partially default ansible hosts file
- make-host.yml - Playbook example for using multiple roles together to create a new host
- nginx.yml - Playbook example for using nginx role
- roles - Some simple Ansible roles created with `ansible-galaxy init <role> --offline` command
- core - Role to configure a new host with basic authentication / package settings
- docker - Role to install docker, docker-compose, configure docker user group (Debian / Ubuntu)
- nginx - Role to install and configure a new nginx webserver on a host
- nginx.yml - Playbook example for using nginx role
- Basic ansible role created with ansible-galaxy command
- core - Role to configure a new host with basic authentication / package settings
- docker - Role to install docker, docker-compose, configure docker user group (Debian / Ubuntu)
- nginx - Role to install and configure a new nginx webserver on a host
### configs
- .vimrc - Various settings for vim, can be copied or used with
@ -66,22 +70,29 @@ Ansible roles, playbooks
- doxygenROT - Basic rule-of-thumb for Doxygen commenting
### scripts
- - Script to add new user, run with sudo if you want to configure / allow user to sudo
- ./adduser - (Print help text)
- ./adduser <name> <userID> - (Don't need sudo if new user doesn't need it)
- sudo ./adduser <name> <userID>
- sudo ./adduser jeff 1005 - (Create jeff user and assign userID to 1005)
- Follow prompts to configure password / sudo depending on needs of new user
- - Script to toss around and build cmake projects
- - Further clarification of scripts
- - Script for setting up vim configuration
- Includes Pathogen Plugin manager
- Includes auto-completion (Clang_completion)
- Supertab completion interaction (Tab to interact with completion context)
- Syntax highlighting
- Tabsize 2, use spaces in place of tabs
- auto indentation, mouse interaction when supported
- Custom keybind (Ctrl-e for jumping windows || Ctrl-w still works if not in a tabbed terminal where the same will close the tab)
- See klips/configs/.vimrc-README for more information - Script to add new user, run with sudo if you want to configure / allow user to sudo
- `./adduser` - (Print help text)
- `./adduser <name> <userID>` - (Don't need sudo if new user doesn't need it)
- `sudo ./adduser <name> <userID>`
- `sudo ./adduser jeff 1005` - (Create jeff user and assign userID to 1005)
- Follow prompts to configure password / sudo depending on needs of new user
- Script to toss around and build cmake projects
- Further clarification of scripts
- Script for setting up vim configuration
- Includes Pathogen Plugin manager
- Includes auto-completion (Clang_completion)
- Supertab completion interaction (Tab to interact with completion context)
- Syntax highlighting
- Tabsize 2, use spaces in place of tabs
- auto indentation, mouse interaction when supported
- Custom keybind (Ctrl-e for jumping windows || Ctrl-w still works if not in a tabbed terminal where the same will close the tab)
- See klips/configs/.vimrc-README for more information

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Playbooks
- nginx.yml - Playbook example for using nginx role
- roles - Basic ansible role created with ansible-galaxy command
- core - Role to configure a new host with basic authentication / package settings
- docker - Role to install docker, docker-compose, configure docker user group (Debian / Ubuntu)
- nginx - Role to install and configure a new nginx webserver on a host
- Basic ansible role created with ansible-galaxy command
- core - Role to configure a new host with basic authentication / package settings
- docker - Role to install docker, docker-compose, configure docker user group (Debian / Ubuntu)
- nginx - Role to install and configure a new nginx webserver on a host

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@ -9,21 +9,25 @@ klips/ansible/roles/...
All of these roles assume you are using the apt package manager, and running a Debian / Ubuntu system.
A simple role for configuring a set of packages / settings on a new Ubuntu host using Ansible.
Packages Added / Configured
- Git
- Configure / set user name and email
- MOTD (Template, replacable, displayed on login.)
- PAM (Template, replacable, authusers file to bypass)
- authusers (Add users to file to bypass PAM settings)
- Vim
- Install Vim
- Run
### Packages Added / Configured
- Configure / set user name and email
- MOTD (Template, replacable, displayed on login.)
- PAM (Template, replacable, authusers file to bypass)
- authusers (Add users to file to bypass PAM settings)
- Install Vim
- Run

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@ -3,16 +3,19 @@ core
A simple role for configuring a set of packages / settings on a new Ubuntu host using Ansible.
Packages Added / Configured
- Git
- Configure / set user name and email
- MOTD (Template, replacable, displayed on login.)
- PAM (Template, replacable, authusers file to bypass)
- authusers (Add users to file to bypass PAM settings)
- Vim
- Install Vim
- Run
### Packages Added / Configured
- Configure / set user name and email
- MOTD (Template, replacable, displayed on login.)
- PAM (Template, replacable, authusers file to bypass)
- authusers (Add users to file to bypass PAM settings)
- Install Vim
- Run