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2021-05-26 14:12:27 -04:00
## Author: Shaun Reed ##
## Legal: All Content (c) 2022 Shaun Reed, all rights reserved ##
2021-05-26 14:12:27 -04:00
## About: An example implementation of quick sort using a custom library ##
## ##
## Contact: shaunrd0@gmail.com | URL: www.shaunreed.com | GitHub: shaunrd0 ##
#include "lib-quick.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
void QuickSort(std::vector<int> &array, size_t begin, size_t end)
// Base case breaks out of recursion once begin and end converge on each other
if (begin >= end) return;
// Search through array, finding the correct position for array[end]
// + Returns the index *after* the new position for array[end]
size_t pivot = Partition(array, begin, end);
// array[end] is now at array[pivot]
// Continue to sort the lhs partition of the set
// + Using pivot-1 as the end index, we only consider the unsorted lhs portion
QuickSort(array, begin, (pivot > 0) ? pivot - 1 : pivot);
// In the top-level call to QuickSort, we don't reach this point until
// + all values in the lhs portion of the array are < array[pivot]
// At this point, pivot+1 now effectively represents the begin of unsorted rhs
// + From pivot+1 to end, the array is currently unsorted
// Continue to sort the rhs partition of the array
// + Using pivot+1 as the begin index, we only consider the unsorted rhs portion
QuickSort(array, pivot + 1, end);
// The entire array, or the entire partition, is now sorted
// + Return to previous QuickSort on call stack, or return to main
size_t Partition(std::vector<int> &array, size_t begin, size_t end)
// Find the correct position for keyValue within the array partition
// + Partition is within the range of array[begin ... end]
int keyValue = array[end];
// As we find values smaller than keyValue, track the last used index
// + Return this value when done, so we know where the lhs partition ends
ssize_t lhsIndex = begin - 1;
// For each value within this partition, check for values < keyValue
for (size_t j = begin; j <= end - 1; j++) {
2021-05-26 14:12:27 -04:00
if (array[j] <= keyValue) {
// Swap all values < keyValue into the lhs portion of array
std::swap(array[++lhsIndex], array[j]);
// Swap keyValue into lhsIndex+1, since we know all values before are smaller
std::swap(array[++lhsIndex], array[end]);
// Return the last used index for the lhs partition
return lhsIndex;