
43 lines
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Packages Installed / Updated:
- vim, git, clang
Vimrc Settings:
- tabwidth is 2, and set to insert SPACE characters instead of TAB symbols with expandtab
- shiftwidth is 2 so we can compensate for the conflict with default tab settings
- autoindent is on, when moving to a newline vim will indent to the current depth
- syntax highlighting is on
- mouse interaction is enabled when supported by connecting systems
-- https://github.com/shaunrd0/klips/tree/master/configs
Plugin Settings:
- Pathogen vim plugin manager has been installed and .vimrc configured for its use.
-- Install new vim plugins by cloning their repositories into ~/.vim/bundle/
-- https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
- Clang_complete vim plugin has been installed and .vimrc configured for its use.
- Code-completion is enabled with default clang_complete settings
-- https://github.com/xavierd/clang_complete
2019-08-23 10:58:09 +00:00
--If you have issues with Clang_complete library linking / loading, check the directory / commands below -
cd /usr/lib/x86_64-unknown-linux
ln -s libclang.so.1 libclang.so
- Supertab vim plugin has been installed and .vimrc configured for its use.
- Allows the use of TAB to enable code-completion context menu
-- https://github.com/ervandew/supertab
- Enable nocp
-- Ensures vim is not set to be compatible with older versions of vi
-- Removing this could diable enhancements on some systems
-- :help 'compatible' within vim for more information
- Define backspace scope
-- Ensures that backspace has the permissions to remove all character types
2019-08-23 10:58:09 +00:00
- Custom Keybindings
- The keybind (Ctrl-e <ARROW KEY>) allows switching between split vim windows
-- Ctrl-w is the default setting, which closes tabbed shells on Chrome OS
- Backups previous vimrc configurations
-- If they were present, previous vim files are stored in /etc/config-vim/backups/