+ Various improvements for XPS 9310 keybinds + Various improvements for XPS 9310 conky sysinfo overlay + Limit curl requests for web server status to refresh every 2mins + Update conky shortcuts overlay to show new shorts for i3 and vim + New darcula colorscheme for vim + Adjust i3 window attributes for new applications + Fix for vim storing yanked or deleted text to system clipboard + Relocate screenshots and backgrounds to subdirectories in ~/Pictures + Relocate all user scripts to ~/.local/bin/ + Use symlinks for scripts in ~/.config/autostart-scripts + Relocate all user-created desktopfiles to ~/.local/share/applications + Use symlinks for desktopfiles in in ~/.config/autostart + Update paths in i3 config to use $HOME environment variable instead of absolute paths
97 lines
3.5 KiB
97 lines
3.5 KiB
conky.config = {
alignment = 'top_left',
background = true,
color2 = '2ECC71',
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
default_color = 'FFFFFF',
double_buffer = true,
font = 'Bitstream Vera Sans:size=10',
gap_x = 15,
gap_y = 15,
minimum_width = 200,
no_buffers = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = 'shortcuts_green',
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_transparent = true,
update_interval = 10.0,
use_xft = true,
conky.text = [[
# Date Display
# Month
${goto 20}${color}${voffset 0}${color}${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=18}${time %b}\
# Date
${goto 65}${voffset 0} ${color}${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=16}${time %e}\
# Year
${goto 100}${voffset -5} ${color}${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=20}${time %Y}
${goto 0}${voffset -20}$font${color2}$hr
# Day
${goto 20}${voffset 0}${color2}${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=16}${time %A}
${color2}mod key - ${color}Meta
${color2}lock session - ${color}mod+l
---------------Vim Keybinds---------------
${color2}Toggle color highlighting - ${color}CTRL+c
${color2}Build make project in CWD - ${color}CTRL+m
${color2}Build cmake project in CWD - ${color}CTRL+b
${color2}Previous ALE Warning / Error - ${color}CTRL+k
${color2}Next ALE Warning / Error - ${color}CTRL+j
${color2}Window info - ${color}xprop
${color2}[konsole] Open new terminal - ${color}mod+Enter
${color2}[yakuake] Open dropdown terminal - ${color}mod+`
${color2}[firefox] Web Browser ${color}mod+Shift+f
${color2}[scrot] image clip tool - ${color}mod+Shift+p
${color2}[pavucontrol] Audio devices ${color}mod+Ctrl+a
${color2}[blueman-manager] Bluetooth devices ${color}mod+Ctrl+d
${color2}[dmenu] App launcher - ${color}mod+d
${color2}[rofi] App launcher - ${color}mod+x
${color2}[rofi] Active window menu - ${color}mod+a
${color2}[rofi] Network / SSH menu - ${color}mod+z
${color2}bmenu system settings - ${color}mod+Ctrl+b
---------------Restart / Reload-----------
${color2}kill conky - ${color}mod+o
${color2}start conky - ${color}mod+shift+o
${color2}kill polybar - ${color}mod+p
${color2}start polybar - ${color}mod+shift+p
${color2}kill compton - ${color}mod+t
${color2}start compton - ${color}mod+Shift+t
${color2}reload i3 - ${color}mod+Shift+c
${color2}restart i3 - ${color}mod+Shift+r
${color2}send to scratchpad - ${color}mod+Shift+minus
${color2}remove from scratchpad - ${color}mod+Shift+Space
${color2}show scratchpad - ${color}mod+minus
${color2}modify gaps - ${color}mod+Shift+g
${color2}resize mode - ${color}mod+r
${color2}toggle split direction - ${color}mod+q
${color2}kill cursor selection - ${color}mod+Ctrl+q
${color2}kill active window - ${color}mod+Shift+q
${color2}toggle floating - ${color}mod+Shift+Space
${color2}move floating window - ${color}mod+Click&Drag
${color2}resize floating window - ${color}mod+RightClick&Drag
${color2}move to empty workspace - ${color}mod+Shift+z
${color2}switch to workspace 1-9 - ${color}mod+1-9
${color2}navigate active workspaces - ${color}mod+Ctrl+arrowkeys
${color2}send active to workspace 1-9 - ${color}mod+Ctrl+1-9
${color2}move active to workspace 1-9 - ${color}mod+Ctrl+1-9