# tmux-gitbar: Git in tmux status bar # # Created by Aurélien Rainone # github.com/aurelien-rainone/tmux-gitbar # # This is the tmux-gitbar configuration file # # Location of the status on tmux bar: left or right readonly TMGB_STATUS_LOCATION='right' # Style for tmux-gitbar readonly TMGB_STYLE='bg=colour233,fg=colour255,bright' # Symbols shown in status string. # Can also be found in tmux-gitbar/lib/tmux-gitbar.sh NO_REMOTE_TRACKING_SYMBOL="L" #BRANCH_SYMBOL="⎇ " BRANCH_SYMBOL="" # Code-branch STAGED_SYMBOL="" # Dot, circle CONFLICT_SYMBOL="" # Close, circle CHANGED_SYMBOL="ﱮ" # Plus, circle UNTRACKED_SYMBOL="" # Ellipsis-v STASHED_SYMBOL="" # Dolly-flatbed CLEAN_SYMBOL="" # Certificate AHEAD_SYMBOL="壟" # File-upload BEHIND_SYMBOL="鹿" # File-download PREHASH_SYMBOL=":" # Defaut Tmux format strings for Git bar components. BRANCH_FMT="#[fg=white]" UPSTREAM_FMT="#[fg=cyan]" REMOTE_FMT="#[fg=cyan]" CLEAN_FMT="#[fg=green,bold]" STAGED_FMT="#[fg=red,bold]" CONFLICTS_FMT="#[fg=red,bold]" CHANGED_FMT="#[fg=blue,bold]" STASHED_FMT="#[fg=blue,bold]" UNTRACKED_FMT="#[fg=magenta,bold]" RESET_FMT="#[fg=default]" # Delimiter between symbol and numeric value FLAGS_DELIMITER_FMT=" " SYMBOL_DELIMITER_FMT=" " SPLIT_DELIMITER_FMT="| " TMGB_OUTREPO_STATUS="" TMGB_OUTREPO_STYLE="" # Status line format string definition. # It controls what tmux-gitbar will show in the status line. It accepts # any keyword or variable Tmux originally accepts, plus these ones: # # - #{git_branch} : local branch name # - #{git_remote} : remote tracking branch # - #{git_upstream} : upstream branch info # - #{git_flags} : working tree status flags # # See README.md for additional information #readonly TMGB_STATUS_STRING=" #{git_branch} - #{git_upstream} - #{git_remote} #{git_flags}" readonly TMGB_STATUS_STRING=" #{git_branch} - #{git_upstream} - #{git_remote} #{git_flags}"