3 Number of columns of workspaces 2 Number of rows of workspaces 600 Time to show the popup (ms) 0.1 Scale of the workspace thumbnails true Whether to show workspace thumbnails or not false Cache popup (faster, consumes more memory) false Whether to show workspace names or not 'none' Wraparound workspaces while navigating false Display workspaces as grid in the activities overview false Display popup for all monitors instead of only the primary ["<Super>w"] Keybinding to open the workspace overview Keybinding to open the workspace overview. ["Right"] Keybinding to move to the right in the workspace overview Keybinding to move to the right in the workspace overview ["Left"] Keybinding to move to the left in the workspace overview Keybinding to move to the left in the workspace overview ["Up"] Keybinding to move up in the workspace overview Keybinding to move up in the workspace overview ["Down"] Keybinding to move down in the workspace overview Keybinding to move down in the workspace overview ["Return","Escape"] Keybinding to confirm and close the workspace overview Keybinding to confirm and close the workspace overview