Update command aliases

This commit is contained in:
Shaun Reed 2022-11-20 13:48:40 -05:00
parent c76f7a7b9f
commit 7f0ca310aa
4 changed files with 30 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
# For Rust stuff, uncomment this line
#. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
alias kapp-git='git config --global user.name "Shaun Reed" && git config --global user.email "shaunrd0@gmail.com"'
alias ,git='git config --global user.name "Shaun Reed" && git config --global user.email "shaunrd0@gmail.com"'
if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then
export DOT_PACKAGES='git stow vim tmux ranger clang wget curl'
alias kapp-update='apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && apt upgrade --fix-broken --fix-missing --auto-remove'
alias kapp-init='apt update -y && apt install $DOT_PACKAGES -y'
alias kapp-swap='swapoff -a && swapon -a'
alias ,update='apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && apt upgrade --fix-broken --fix-missing --auto-remove'
alias ,init='apt update -y && apt install $DOT_PACKAGES -y'
alias ,swap='swapoff -a && swapon -a'
export DOT_PACKAGES='git stow vim xsel xclip tmux ranger clang yakuake wget curl'
alias kapp-update='sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt upgrade --fix-broken --fix-missing --auto-remove'
alias kapp-init='sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install $DOT_PACKAGES'
alias ,update='sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt upgrade --fix-broken --fix-missing --auto-remove'
alias ,init='sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install $DOT_PACKAGES'
# Clear kscreen cached settings
alias kapp-kscreen='rm -rf ~/.local/share/kscreen/*'
alias ,kscreen='rm -rf ~/.local/share/kscreen/*'
# Restart plasmashell
alias kapp-plasmashell='sudo pkill plasmashell && plasmashell --replace &> /dev/null &'
alias kapp-swap='sudo swapoff -a && sudo swapon -a'
alias kapp-vbox="ps aux www |grep 'VBoxClient --draganddrop' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill"
alias ,plasmashell='sudo pkill plasmashell && plasmashell --replace &> /dev/null &'
alias ,swap='sudo swapoff -a && sudo swapon -a'
alias ,vbox="ps aux www |grep 'VBoxClient --draganddrop' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill"
# Alias / export customizations

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@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ bind -T copy-mode TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; send -X select-line \; send
bind -T copy-mode-vi TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; send -X select-line \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -n TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; copy-mode -M \; send -X select-line \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -n MouseDown2Pane run "tmux set-buffer -b primary_selection \"$(xsel -o)\"; tmux paste-buffer -b primary_selection; tmux delete-buffer -b primary_selection"
#set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
#set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-yank'
#set -g @yank_action 'copy-pipe-no-clear'
#bind -T copy-mode C-c send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i --clipboard"
#bind -T copy-mode-vi C-c send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i --clipboard"
set-option -s set-clipboard external
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -selection clipboard -i"

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@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
set -g status-left "#[fg=colour233,bg=colour100,bold] #S #[fg=colour100,bg=colour240,nobold]#[fg=colour233,bg=colour240] #(whoami) #[fg=colour240,bg=colour235]#[fg=colour240,bg=colour235] #(hostname) #[fg=colour235,bg=colour233]#[fg=colour240,bg=colour233]"
set -g status-right "#[fg=colour235,bg=colour233,bold]#[fg=colour240,bg=colour235,nobold] %H:%M:%S #[fg=colour240,bg=colour235,bold]#[fg=colour233,bg=colour240,nobold] %d-%b-%y #[fg=colour100,bg=colour240,bold]#[fg=colour233,bg=colour100,bold] #(git -C #{pane_current_path} remote get-url origin | sed 's/.*[/]//' | sed 's/\.git//') "
# Settings for terminal text selection / copy options
# + Source: https://www.seanh.cc/2020/12/27/copy-and-paste-in-tmux/
# + Depends: https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-yank#linux
set -g mouse on
# These bindings are for X Windows only. If you're using a different
# window system you have to replace the `xsel` commands with something
# else. See https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/Clipboard#available-tools
bind -T copy-mode DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; send -X select-word \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -T copy-mode-vi DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; send -X select-word \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -n DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; copy-mode -M \; send -X select-word \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -T copy-mode TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; send -X select-line \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -T copy-mode-vi TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; send -X select-line \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -n TripleClick1Pane select-pane \; copy-mode -M \; send -X select-line \; send -X copy-pipe-no-clear "xsel -i"
bind -n MouseDown2Pane run "tmux set-buffer -b primary_selection \"$(xsel -o)\"; tmux paste-buffer -b primary_selection; tmux delete-buffer -b primary_selection"
# List of plugins and their settings
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'nhdaly/tmux-better-mouse-mode'

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Headless
Dotfiles configurations for headless Ubuntu 22.04 linux environments. Be sure to clone recursively if you want to grab updated plugins / submodules included. For example, using Pathogen with Vim to manage plugins requires that the plugin to be installed are cloned to the `~/.vim/bundle/` directory. Cloning recursively allows git to clone these same nested repositories/submodules within this directory so Pathogen can handle running the Vim plugins.
Once installed, editing source code in vim supports features displayed in the screenshot below